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Stop the polluting of Stoney Creek

Stoney Creek Environment Committee needs your help to defend Stoney Creek – home to one of the last urban salmon runs in the Lower Mainland. In July 2021, a construction waste dump killed over 300 fish. Unfortunately, the threats continue today with spewing sewage and pollutants continuously threatening this precious waterway.

Despite nearly two decades of citizens asking for change, and national media attention, the regulators responsible for making sure Stoney’s waters are safe continue allowing pollution to enter the Creek. That’s why volunteers with the Stoney Creek Environment Committee are asking for your support by writing a personal letter to decision makers with the power to protect Stoney.

Our ask is simple: stop the spewing sewage problem and issue increasing fines for companies and developers found polluting Stoney Creek. 

Your letter will lift up the growing calls for change. And change can’t happen soon enough. City documents show spewing sewage occurred in Stoney Creek as far back as 2014. Construction waste dumps were first reported in January 2019. As Stoney Creek Environment Committee Director Alan James said “Spewing sewage incidents that formerly occurred only occasionally now occur regularly, with multiple manholes spewing sewage for extended periods.” 

Community members have continually reported these infractions, but regulators have not clamped down. That’s why, in addition to raising the profile of Stoney Creek with social media and online actions, we are asking you to join other volunteers across the lower mainland who are directly and respectfully taking this issue to decision makers. 

Our letter writing campaign runs from May 19-23. Use the template below to share your concerns with Fin Donnelly, Katrina Chen, Selina Robinson, Rick Glumac and Josie Osbourn to take action for BC waterways now. Copy the text from our Template Letter now

Press Contact Info:

John Templeton, SCEC President

[email protected]


Alan James, SCEC Director-at-large, Education

[email protected]


Alyssa Allchurch, CodeBlue BC Regional Coordinator

[email protected]

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  • Elizabeth Lee
    commented 2022-05-19 13:51:22 -0700
    Stoney Creek Environment Committee needs your help to defend Stoney Creek – home to one of the last urban salmon runs in the Lower Mainland. In July 2021, a construction waste dump killed over 300 fish. Unfortunately, the threats continue today with spewing sewage and pollutants continuously threatening this precious waterway.

    Despite nearly two decades of citizens asking for change, and national media attention, the regulators responsible for making sure Stoney’s waters are safe continue allowing pollution to enter the Creek. That’s why volunteers with the Stoney Creek Environment Committee are asking for your support by writing a personal letter to decision makers with the power to protect Stoney.

    Our ask is simple: stop the spewing sewage problem and issue increasing fines for companies and developers found polluting Stoney Creek.

    Your letter will lift up the growing calls for change. And change can’t happen soon enough. City documents show spewing sewage occurred in Stoney Creek as far back as 2014. Construction waste dumps were first reported in January 2019. As Stoney Creek Environment Committee Director Alan James said “Spewing sewage incidents that formerly occurred only occasionally now occur regularly, with multiple manholes spewing sewage for extended periods.”

    Community members have continually reported these infractions, but regulators have not clamped down. That’s why, in addition to raising the profile of Stoney Creek with social media and online actions, we are asking you to join other volunteers across the lower mainland who are directly and respectfully taking this issue to decision makers.
  • David Mills
    published this page in Stories 2022-05-18 16:34:14 -0700